European Second Exascale Supercomputer AliceRecoque to be Built in France

TapTechNews June 27th news, the European High-Performance Computing Consortium (EuroHPCJU) signed a hosting agreement for the second European exascale (hundreds of billions of times) supercomputer with the French National Center for Major Computing GENCI earlier this month.

TapTechNews Note: The first European exascale supercomputer Jupiter is being installed in Germany and is expected to be put into use in this year and next year.

This supercomputer has also been officially named "AliceRecoque" to commemorate Alice Rekoc, a French female computer scientist born in Algeria. Rekoc is also among the first batch of scientists in the field of AI research in France.

The AliceRecoque supercomputer will be located at the TGCC super-large computing center of the French Atomic Energy and Alternative Energy Commission CEA in Bruyères-le-Châtel in the southern suburbs of Paris.

 European Second Exascale Supercomputer AliceRecoque to be Built in France_0

The total cost of ownership of this exascale supercomputer will exceed 544 million euros (TapTechNews note: currently about 4.234 billion Chinese yuan), of which 50% of the funds are funded by EuroHPCJU, and the other 50% come from donations from the French and Dutch governments.

The press release referred to the AliceRecoque supercomputer system as an important technological milestone in Europe, which will address the major social and scientific challenges currently facing Europe through the large-scale integration of numerical simulation, massive data analysis, and AI.

The press release also mentioned that this supercomputer will also provide support for the training of Europe's next-generation generative AI multimodal basic model.

Foreign media HPCwire said that the AliceRecoque supercomputer is expected to go online in 2026 and be fully put into use in 2027-2028, and is expected to be equipped with Rhea-2Arm architecture CPUs from SiPearl and RISC-V vector accelerators developed under the European Processor Initiative EPI.
