Google Testing Android 15 Theft Detection Function in Brazil

TapTechNews on June 12th reported that Google is testing the Android 15 automatic theft detection function announced at the I/O developer conference in May. Due to the rampant mobile phone theft problem reported by Brazilian users, Google chose the country as the first test region. If you happen to live in Brazil, you can now register to try this new feature.

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The Theft Detection Lock function will use artificial intelligence to determine whether the shaking of the phone means that a theft is taking place. In addition to relying on motion sensors, this function can also detect other suspicious signs, such as when someone tries to use the phone on a different network or the phone has been away from the commonly used network for a long time.

TapTechNews noted that the theft detection function is part of the Android 15 privacy and security improvement plan, and other improvements include a password-locked vault called Private Space for storing sensitive applications and data. However, the theft detection function will be backward compatible to older versions of the system.

In addition to the theft detection function, Android users in Brazil will also enjoy more conveniences. They can click the dedicated button that appears in the merchant search results to directly send messages via WhatsApp. In addition, users can directly book services of local merchants such as doctors and beauticians in the search results. Currently, these two functions are only available to Brazilian users.
