Ubisoft's Beyond Good and Evil Remaster Announced for June 25 Release

TapTechNews June 21st news, Ubisoft released Beyond Good and Evil (Beyond Good and Evil) for PlayStation 2, the original Xbox and GameCube consoles in November 2003. This sci-fi-themed third-person action adventure game didn't achieve huge financial success at that time. However, over time, it gradually accumulated a large number of fans and was even considered by many to be one of the best games of all time.

In November 2023, Ubisoft announced the remastered version of this game, Beyond Good and Evil: 20th Anniversary Edition (Beyond Good and Evil 20th Anniversary Edition). Today, the company confirmed that the digital version of this game will be officially released on June 25th, available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and Switch all platforms. But as of TapTechNews' press time, the game has not been temporarily listed on the relevant platform digital stores.

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Ubisoft said that this work mainly upgrades the graphics and functions on the basis of the original game, including completely newly made 4K texture materials, and at the same time adds auto-save/cross-platform save features, and also adds a series of in-game collectible items.

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In terms of the game background, players will act as Jade, a penniless young photographer/lighthouse keeper/orphan caregiver/martial artist, and set off with her adoptive father Pey'j to explore an area that is allegedly constantly harassed by aliens. It is claimed that while integrating various genres of gameplay, it can let players feel the thrill of hitting aliens.

Game screenshots:

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