Microsoft Build 2024 OpenAI's Sam Altman's Insights

On the morning of May 22nd, the Microsoft Build 2024 Developer Conference was held in Seattle, USA, and Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, appeared on the scene as a special guest.

 Microsoft Build 2024 OpenAIs Sam Altman's Insights_0

When asked what is most worth expecting, Altman said that millions of developers are the core that has driven the great changes in the world in the past year. From the release of GPT-4 to GPT-4o, although the model API has not been launched for a long time, I have never seen a technology be applied so meaningfully and so quickly.

I have never seen a technology be adopted so quickly in such a meaningful way. What people are building, how people discover, how to do things we never thought of before, that's why having an API is always great. Altman said.

Regarding what people should expect next, Altman said, The most important thing is that the model will become smarter. From GPT3 to GPT-3.5, and then to GPT-4.0, it has become smarter. You can use it to do all these things. It becomes more powerful and safer, all because it becomes more intelligent. We have put more work into building security tools around it and become more useful.
