Sharp's E-commerce Platform Cocoro Hacked, User Data Leaked

TapTechNews August 4th news, Sharp disclosed on its official website on July 23rd that its e-commerce platform Cocoro had been hacked. The website's security department had temporarily shut down the website after detecting the hacker's invasion, but it was too late, and a large amount of users' key data had been leaked.

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TapTechNews learned from the accident report disclosed by Sharp that at 10:52 am local time on July 22nd, the Cocoro security department found that there was unauthorized access/tampering on the platform, and at 11:33 am the security department suspended the website service. Further investigation found that the hacker had already implanted a malicious script in the platform's background at dawn on July 19th, resulting in users who visited the mall being redirected to the malicious website set up by the hacker.

Referring to the accident report, Sharp confirmed that currently a total of 26,654 users' names/residences/mobile phone numbers/passwords/emails/credit card information were affected. For the reason of this accident, Sharp said that it was the backstage software vulnerability of the e-commerce platform that was exploited by the hacker, and they are currently deploying a new version of the software to alleviate the vulnerability.

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