#Chinese EVs#

European New Passenger Car Registrations and the Rising Role of Chinese EVs

This article discusses the decline in new passenger car registrations in Europe, the growth of Chinese-made EVs, and their market share. It also mentions the impact of tariffs and the performance of different car models.

EU Wants to Impose Tariffs on Chinese EV Imports, Germany Objects

The European Commission plans to levy high tariffs on Chinese electric vehicle imports, while Germany opposes, believing it would harm the economy. German companies had not complained before. The German government is trying to prevent or soften the decision.

EU's Restrictions on Chinese EVs Impact and Outlook

The article discusses the EU's restrictions on Chinese electric vehicles and their implications for fossil fuel dependence and the automotive industry. Covers NDRC's views and related stats.

German government tries to prevent new tariffs on Chinese EVs

The German government is working to block or soften the EU's new tariff decision on Chinese electric vehicles. Many in Germany oppose it, emphasizing the need for free trade and dialogue.

Volkswagen's Stand on EU's Tariff Plan on Chinese EVs

Volkswagen Group CEO restates stance on EU's tariff plan on Chinese EVs, raising concerns and calling for free trade consultation. SAIC also voices opposition.

EU to Levy Tariffs on Chinese Electric Vehicles, NIO's Response

The European Commission plans to levy tariffs on Chinese EVs from July 4th. NIO reacts, emphasizing its low impact and future plans. 150 characters.