X (formerly Twitter) to Hide Public 'Like' Records on Profile Pages

TapTechNews May 23rd news, the social media platform X (formerly known as Twitter) confirmed on Wednesday that it will no longer display public 'like' records on users' personal profile pages.

The 'like' on X is similar to a like. After liking a related post, it will be displayed in the 'like' tab on the user's profile page. After this policy takes effect, the 'like' tab on the user's profile page will disappear. Haofei Wang, the engineering director of X, confirmed when responding to a related post, 'Yes, we will make the like information private. Public likes can create wrong behavioral motivations. For example, many people are afraid of being retaliated against by trolls or damaging their public image if they like 'alternative' content, so they don't dare to like easily.'

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'In the future, you can like freely without worrying about who will see it,' Wang continued. 'Also, as a reminder, the more content you like, the more accurate the platform's 'ecommended for you' algorithm will be.'

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To eliminate confusion among users, Enrique Barragan, a senior software engineer at X, also posted in response, stating that users can still see who has liked their posts, and the number of likes for all posts, responses, etc. are still visible. This change only involves hiding the content that others have liked, that is, removing the 'like' tab on the public personal profile page.

TapTechNews noted that previously, paid subscription users of the X platform could already choose to hide the 'like' tag in their personal profiles, and the upcoming revision will enforce this function for all users. The specific launch time is still unclear.
