Unisplendour to Acquire 30% Stake in New H3C for $2.143 Billion

TapTechNews May 24th news, Unisplendour Corporation tonight released an announcement, announcing that it will purchase the 29% equity stake of New H3C held by HPE Cayman by paying cash, and intends to purchase the 1% equity stake of New H3C held by Izar Holding Co by paying cash, totaling the purchase of 30% equity stake of New H3C, and the transaction consideration is 2.143 billion US dollars (TapTechNews note: currently about 15.537 billion RMB).

In addition to this transaction, Unisplendour International signed the with HPE Cayman, stipulating various long-term disposal arrangements and other matters regarding the 19% equity stake of New H3C held by HPE Cayman, including that after the completion of the delivery of this transaction, Unisplendour International will waive the preemptive right to purchase the remaining 19% equity stake of New H3C.

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This transaction constitutes a major asset reorganization, and does not constitute a related transaction or a reorganization listing. After the transaction is completed, Unisplendour Corporation will indirectly hold 81% of the equity of New H3C.

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According to the adjusted acquisition plan and in combination with the actual situation of the company, the company also decided to terminate the matter of issuing A-share stocks to specific objects in 2023. The adjusted plan will enable the company to quickly complete the large proportion acquisition of the equity of New H3C by using its own funds and bank loans.

After the completion of this acquisition transaction, the company's shareholding ratio in New H3C will increase from 51% to 81%, and the earnings per share of the listed company will be significantly thickened.

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