BYD Tenza to Witness 200,000th New Car Delivery Tomorrow

TapTechNews May 24th news, Zhao Changjiang, general manager of BYD Tenza Sales Division, just announced that a live broadcast will be launched during 10:00 - 12:00 tomorrow to witness the delivery ceremony of the 200,000th new car. He said that Tenza has reached 200,000 new car orders in two years, and the model to be delivered at that time is a Tenza N7.

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Zhao Changjiang once said on the 16th of this month that Tenza's order users had exceeded 200,000 on that day, and achieved an annual sales volume of 127,800 in 2023, and Tenza D9 became the sales champion of MPVs.

According to the official order data of Tenza D9/N7 during the May 1st holiday in 2024, the two new cars have obtained a total of 8322 orders, among which the 2024 Tenza D9 has obtained 6800 and the brand-new Tenza N7 has exceeded 1500.

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According to TapTechNews' previous report, Tenza achieved a sales volume of 11,122 in April, and the cumulative sales volume this year is 35,067.

D9: 10,031 in the current month, and 32,787 cumulative this year

N7: 1058 in the current month, and 1845 cumulative this year

N8: 33 in the current month, and 435 cumulative this year

In addition, the Tenza D9 four-seat Creative Leader version model has exceeded 1000 reservations in two months since its listing. This new car costs $87,700 (600,600 Chinese yuan), and it is expected to start delivery in this quarter. The Tenza D9 four-seat Creative Leader version is a four-seat luxury MPV built based on the Tenza D9 DM-i plug-in hybrid platform, adopting a four-seat layout, and the power data remains the same as that of the currently sold Tenza D9 DM-i four-wheel drive model.

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