Asahi Kasei's Acetonitrile Battery Electrolyte Breakthrough

TapTechNews June 25 news, earlier this month, Asahi Kasei of Japan announced the completion of the concept verification of acetonitrile battery electrolyte and moved towards the stage of practical application. This type of electrolyte has two characteristics: high output at low temperature and high durability at high temperature.

TapTechNews note: Acetonitrile has a high dielectric constant and is theoretically an excellent component of battery electrolyte, but it still has problems such as reaction with electrodes at present and has not been able to achieve large-scale commercial use.

Lithium-ion batteries are currently widely used in electric vehicles and energy storage systems, but as the application range expands, the problem of itspoor temperature tolerance becomes more and more prominent:

In low-temperature environment, the capacity and output power of lithium-ion batteries decrease and the charging time is prolonged; while in high-temperature environment, the aging of lithium-ion batteries accelerates and the lifespan is shortened.

For various reasons, the suitable temperature of traditional lithium-ion batteries is maintained at about 10 to 45 degrees Celsius, affecting its use in harsh natural environments.

Asahi Kasei combined its exclusive electrolyte composition preparation technology and electrode/electrolyte interface control technology in the development of this new type of acetonitrile electrolyte, and conducted concept verification of acetonitrile electrolyte in lithium iron phosphate cylindrical batteries. The results prove that:

The experimental battery can still output high power at -40 degrees Celsius, and the relative capacity is still more than 90% of that at -20 degrees Celsius;

And at 60 degrees Celsius, the experimental battery can still maintain more than 80% of the capacity after 1000 charge-discharge cycles.

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Asahi Kasei said that this technology can increase the thickness of battery electrodes and reduce the number of electric vehicle battery installations, thereby increasing the battery capacity and reducing the battery cost.

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Asahi Kasei will strengthen the cooperation with vehicle manufacturers and lithium-ion battery manufacturers in the future, aiming to commercialize the acetonitrile electrolyte technology in 2025 by licensing to the latter.

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