PlayStation Portal Gets New Features, Including Public Wi-Fi Login

TapTechNews, June 19 - PlayStation Portal has finally gained two features that it should have had from the very beginning. Sony announced on the PlayStation blog that the system update (exact version number unknown) of the handheld remote play device, Portal, will allow users to connect to public Wi-Fi networks that require login, such as free Wi-Fi provided by hotels and coffee shops.

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The system update also adds a new touch hint feature, and when players lightly touch or swipe the analog touchpad area on the Portal screen, they will see the corresponding visual effects. In addition, players can now view the battery percentage in the status bar at the upper right corner. Before the update, the battery level was only shown as a vague battery icon, and the exact battery percentage could only be seen when the Portal was fully shut down and charging.

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TapTechNews noted that just like the PlayStation Portal itself cannot be used independently (it requires connecting to the player's PlayStation 5 console to remotely play games), the new Wi-Fi login feature also requires additional device assistance. Sony stated that Portal will generate a QR code on the screen, and players can scan the QR code with their phone to log in to the public network.

The PlayStation blog also cryptically hinted at the unexpected success of Portal, but did not disclose specific sales data. This new public Wi-Fi login feature update may be an improvement in response to users taking the Portal away from the home network (the originally designed usage environment of the handheld device). In addition, the blog post stated that the owners of Portal are often first-time users of the remote play feature, and their overall PS5 gaming duration has increased in the first few months of owning Portal.
