Google Introduces Right-Click Option for Password Creation in Chrome Canary

TapTechNews May 14th news, Google is testing a new feature in the Canary channel Chrome browser. When the auto-generated password feature does not work, users can generate random passwords through the right-click method.

Google has introduced the implementation flag of Passwordmanualfallback in the latest Chrome browser in the Canary channel, allowing users to choose password suggestions through the right-click menu.

When right-clicking on the password field, users will see an option for password suggestion. Clicking on it will pop up a strong random password suggestion. When the auto-generated password does not work or cannot create an account on a specific website, users can operate through the right-click menu.

TapTechNews provides the following operation steps:

1. Use the latest Chrome browser in the Canary channel.

2. Enter chrome://flags in the address bar and press enter.

3. Search for Passwordmanualfallback

4. Enable it and restart the browser
