Apple Introduces Genmoji in iOS 18

TapTechNews June 15th news, Apple has introduced a brand-new Genmoji feature in the iOS 18 system, allowing users to customize and create Emojis.

 Apple Introduces Genmoji in iOS 18_0

At a Session event in the WWDC2024 Worldwide Developers Conference, Apple unveiled the mystery behind Genmoji.

Apple has designed a NSAdaptiveImageGlyphAPI for Genmoji, stickers, and other graphic designs like Memoji, and the content generated by developers and users calling this API will be close to Emojis.

The API uses a standard image format with a square aspect ratio, supports multiple resolutions, and adds metadata. This setting means Genmoji and other content using NSAdaptiveImageGlyph can be used and formatted along with normal text.

Genmoji can be used alone, copied, pasted, and sent as stickers. They can be used in parallel with text and respect line height and text formatting. According to Apple, anywhere that can support rich text can support Genmoji.

 Apple Introduces Genmoji in iOS 18_1

Genmoji is not Unicode and may not be suitable for some data such as identifiers, phone numbers, email addresses, and will not be as widely supported as emoji. Previous versions of iOS, iPadOS, and macOS, and applications that do not support rich text will represent Genmoji with text descriptions.

TapTechNews note: Genmoji and other AppleIntelligence functions have not yet appeared in the iOS18 developer beta version, but Apple plans to allow developers to start testing AppleIntelligence sometime this summer.

Genmoji and AppleIntelligence will be open to the public this autumn, but only for iPhone 15Pro models and iPads and Macs with M-series chips.
