Universities in US to Crack Down on AI Ghostwriting Papers

TapTechNews May 17th news, according to CCTV News reports, recently, many universities across the country have declared that they will introduce paper detection tools to strictly investigate the behavior of AI ghostwriting papers.

Journalists' investigation found that currently, many AI tools take papers as the main template, and a thousand-word paper can be generated in less than 1 minute, with the lowest price being 20 cents each time. In addition, there are also problems such as non-existent cited literature and biased cited data in AI tools.

Educational scholars said that AI tools can be used as an assistance to a certain extent, but in academic research such as paper writing, students need to have a correct attitude, and schools should also introduce measures to avoid academic misconduct such as plagiarism and theft caused by the abuse of AI tools.

TapTechNews found that the Graduate School of North China Electric Power University had already issued an announcement as early as January this year: Papers should be written by oneself, and the use of artificial intelligence for ghostwriting is prohibited. The school said that if there are academic misconduct behaviors such as plagiarism, theft, forgery, data fraud, and artificial intelligence ghostwriting in the degree thesis or practical achievements, after being deliberated and decided by the degree evaluation committee, the degree certificate will be revoked by the degree-conferring unit.

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In addition, the Office of Academic Affairs of Fuzhou University also issued a notice to put an end to academic misconduct such as artificial intelligence ghostwriting, plagiarism, and forgery, and to strengthen the quality monitoring and management of graduation design (thesis). The school has decided to apply the VIP AIGC Detection System to conduct AIGC detection on the final version before the defense and the final version after the defense of the graduation design (thesis) of the 2024 undergraduates.

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