Google Integrates Gemini AI Model into Calendar, Tasks, and Keep Apps at I/O 2024

TapTechNews May 15th news, Google announced at today's I/O 2024 developer conference that it will integrate the Gemini model into Google Calendar, Tasks, and Keep applications, bringing richer AI functions to users.

Google announced at the developer conference that the Gemini chatbot supports uploading images in webpages or mobile apps. TapTechNews provides the official Google example: take a photo of a school activity list and let Gemini add them to your personal Google Calendar.

Another example provided by Google is to let Gemini add items from recipes to your Google Keep shopping list.

Gemini's head, Sissie Hsiao, said at a briefing held by The Verge before the conference that Gemini is not a complete black box. Users can make adjustments before executing their requests.

2024 Google I/O Developer Conference Special Report
