Court Rules Company X Must Disclose Leakers' Identities to Genshin Impact Publisher

TapTechNews September 24th news, a court in California, the US ruled that Company X must disclose the identities of four leakers to the publisher of Genshin Impact, Cognosphere, stating that the company's claim of refusing to disclose the leakers' identities on the grounds of the First Amendment is not valid.

Court Rules Company X Must Disclose Leakers Identities to Genshin Impact Publisher_0

According to TorrentFreak, in November 2023, Cognosphere obtained a DMCA subpoena requiring XCorp to disclose the following information of four Twitter accounts: name, address, phone number, and email address, and these four Twitter accounts are @HutaoLoverGI, @GIHutaoLover, @HutaoLover77 and @FurinaaLover.

Company X refused to carry out this request on the grounds that they wanted to obtain a court ruling to determine whether the request is sufficient to meet any First Amendment free speech protection provisions applicable to anonymous speakers.

TapTechNews noted that the court has now made a ruling. In a ruling issued last week, the judge said that the speech in question - that is, the leaked Genshin Impact materials - is not core expression of the First Amendment, and Cognosphere is acting in good faith and fully demonstrated prima facie evidence of copyright infringement in its request for a DMCA subpoena.

Therefore, Company X's request is rejected and it must comply with the subpoena's requirements.
