Steve Jobs' 1984 Suit Up for Auction A Piece of Tech History

TapTechNews June 26th news, in 1984, Apple launched the epoch-making product Macintosh computer, which was a revolutionary home computer at that time and there had never been a similar product in the industry. At that time in the product advertisement, Jobs was dressed in a dark blue suit. As everyone knows, Jobs usually dressed casually, so the appearance of this suit was particularly noticeable. Now, this commemorative suit is waiting for the right person at the auction, but to take it into the bag, it may cost 30,000 US dollars (TapTechNews note: currently about 218,000 RMB).

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This suit is currently being auctioned at Julien's Auctions, and the current highest bid is 10,000 US dollars. However, according to the valuation, the final transaction price may be between 20,000 and 30,000 US dollars. So, what can this huge expense bring? The description of the auction item is as follows:

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This dark navy pinstriped Brioni for Wilkes Bashford brand suit was worn by Steve Jobs in January 1984 to promote the upcoming Macintosh computer, and the photos were taken by photographer Bernard Gotfryd.

On January 22, 1984, Apple aired the famous Macintosh computer advertisement during the US Super Bowl. Directed by the famous director Ridley Scott, the advertisement depicted a depressing dystopian world filled with thoughtless thugs and was finally broken by the power symbolizing freedom and rebellion. The slogan at the end of the advertisement paid tribute to the classic novel of George Orwell and wrote: 'On January 24, 1984, Apple Computer will introduce the Macintosh computer. Then you will understand that 1984 will not be like 1984.'

This suit is made of 100% cuprammonium rayon, covered with fine vertical stripes all over the body, has two front pockets, a chest pocket, three inner pockets, gray buttons, cream silk blended lining, and the size label is '39/49'. It also comes with a pair of trousers of the same material with a size of 39L.

The starting price on the auction website is 5,000 US dollars, and currently only one bid has been received. Judging from the pictures, the stitching of this suit is intact, but bidders may prefer to collect it as a memento rather than wear it daily.
