Bungie's Destiny 2 DLC Leak Incident

TapTechNews on June 1, the game studio Bungie originally planned to release the latest expansion of Destiny 2, The Shape of the End, on June 5, but this Thursday wrongly pushed part of the DLC content to some PlayStation 5 players.

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Bungie acknowledged this major leak incident, and TapTechNews translated the relevant content as follows:

A very small number of players can participate in some interactions, access Collections, and obtain some reward information in The Shape of the End and The Echo.

We suggest that everyone pay attention to avoiding spoilers on social media in the next few days. Remember to act with caution and be critical of potential misinformation.

Think about others, report the leak incident, and let players experience the ending of the Light and Darkness legend in person.

Thank all the community members who have helped us by reporting the leak incident, and those who have actively worked hard to prevent advance spoilers.

When the hard work of our team is leaked in advance, we are always very uncomfortable, but we are still glad that everyone can experience the full version together on June 5.
