Huawei Pura70Ultra's AI Erasing Function Features, Availability and Updates

TapTechNews August 10th news, Li Xiaolong, CTO of Huawei Terminal BG, showed the AI erasing function of Huawei Pura70Ultra on the social platform today. This function can accurately identify the parts that affect the composition and erase them with one click, and the processed photo shows no smudging marks.

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A netizen asked in the comment area when the AI erasing function will be下放 (released to lower-level models) to the Mate60 series. Huawei Terminal Customer Service responded: The AI erasing function is currently only supported by HUAWEI Pura70 series / HUAWEI nova12Ultra Star Shine Edition / novaFlip phone. For the subsequent support situation of other models, please pay attention to the official news of Huawei.

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Huawei Terminal Customer Service also added: Currently, you can use the gallery picture editing erasing function to easily erase the redundant content in the picture. In the gallery, click the picture to be edited, and then click Edit > Erase to enter the function page for operation.

According to TapTechNews' previous report, the built-in image editing function in the Huawei Pura70Ultra phone is provided with the AI erasing technology by the Pangu large model, which focuses on automatically erasing passers-by, sundries, etc. in the photo background.

In April this year, a netizen showed in the online platform the scene demonstration of using the relevant mobile phone gallery AI erasing function to smear the clothes on the chest of the girl in the photo. The function successfully filled the smeared area in the photo and generated the corresponding picture, which caused a heated discussion. Since then, the official has fixed the relevant problems.

Related reading:

Huawei Pura70Ultra Phone AI Erasing Clothes BUG Fixing
