Apple's Safari Browser's Planned WebEraser Feature Disappeared and the Possible Reasons

TapTechNews June 15th news, the technology media reported in April that Apple's Safari browser will introduce IntelligentSearch and WebEraser functions. The former has been currently released under the name of Highlights, while the latter has not been heard of so far.

Previously, it was reported that Apple was preparing to add an AI-based privacy feature WebEraser to the Safari browser in the iOS18 software update. This feature can delete ads or website content that users think is not needed.

 Apple's Safari Browser's Planned WebEraser Feature Disappeared and the Possible Reasons_0

WebEraser is not just an ad removal tool, but also a content blocker, including distracting banner ads to articles and even entire page sections. After users select any page element on the screen, this function can 'erase' it.

Moreover, this 'erase' is memory-based, which means that the internal version of Safari will remember the changes made to the web page, and when users visit this page again, the relevant content will be automatically blocked.

As for the reason why Apple 'deleted' WebEraser, the outside world speculates that there may be two aspects: one is to avoid controversy, and the other is to make the leaked information seem inaccurate or incorrect.

The first is due to external controversy. TapTechNews reported in May this year that the British Newspaper Group warned Apple that the launch of any 'web eraser' (WebEraser) tool that blocks ads will pose a sustainability risk to the finance of the journalism industry.

Currently, some news media have already added the detection of ad blocker plugins on their web pages. If an ad blocker plugin is detected, users will be required to turn it off, otherwise users will not be allowed to continue browsing.

The second possibility is disrupt the leaked content and find the source of the leaked information through this way to strengthen internal management.
