
UN Secretary-General Calls for Ban on Fossil Fuel Advertising

UN Secretary-General António Guterres calls for restrictions on fossil fuel advertising, but it may be difficult in the US. Some countries and media have already taken action.

Revenue Decline of X Platform After Musk's Acquisition

The revenue of X platform drops significantly after Elon Musk's acquisition. Details and related info provided.

Apple's Safari Browser's Planned WebEraser Feature Disappeared and the Possible Reasons

The report about Apple's Safari browser introducing IntelligentSearch and WebEraser functions, and the reasons why WebEraser might have been removed. Less than 150 characters.

Spotify to Expand into advertising with CreativeLab and test generative AI ads

Spotify is furthering its foray into advertising, introducing CreativeLab and testing generative AI ads, while also having increased its price twice in the past year.

Tesla's Self-Driving Technology Faces False Advertising Lawsuits

A judge in California rejected Tesla's attempt to dismiss self-driving false advertising allegations. DMV investigated, SEC is also involved. Controversy over names and functions. Some car owners won false advertising suits.