Zhijie S7 Gets OTA Upgrade with New Features

TapTechNews June 6 news, the Zhijie S7迎来 an OTA upgrade, this update adds a Remote Parking Assist (RPA) function, adds a Sport+ mode control interface, the 3D car control desktop adds a gesture guidance function, and adds an ADS 3D view "Remote Mountain Skyline" display effect.

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The Zhijie S7 is the first smart car equipped with Huawei's HarmonyOS 4 car system, and also equips with eight of Huawei's latest car-making technologies such as Huawei ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving system, Huawei Tulin intelligent chassis, Huawei DriveOne 800V silicon carbide platform, Huawei Jujing 800V high-voltage battery platform, and Huawei Sound star ring diffuser.

TapTechNews attaches the specific update contents as follows:

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