Microsoft's Activision Blizzard Releases 'Call of Duty Warzone' Map 'Caldera' as Open Source

TapTechNews July 31st news, Activision Blizzard under Microsoft announced that it will release the classic map 'Caldera' in its popular game 'Call of Duty: Warzone' in an open source format. This data set contains almost all the geometric data of the map and anonymous time samples of players' movement trajectories. Activision stated that it hopes to promote the innovative development in multiple fields such as artificial intelligence learning, academic research, and game development through this initiative.

Microsoft's Activision Blizzard Releases 'Call of Duty Warzone' Map 'Caldera' as Open Source_0

Activision said that this release aims to promote innovation and development in multiple fields such as artificial intelligence learning, academic research, and game development. This 4GB data set contains more than 5 million meshes, 28 million primitives, and 1 billion point instances, and is one of the largest OpenUSD data sets publicly available so far.

According to TapTechNews, the 'Caldera' map was led and developed by RavenSoftware and supported by other Activision studios such as Beenox and HighMoonStudios.

In addition to game developers, Activision also hopes that computer researchers can utilize this data set. The official said that the tabular data and metadata in the data set help to understand the interaction mode between players and the game more deeply, thereby providing new ideas for the optimization of game design.

Currently, this data set is available for free download on the GitHub platform. Activision said it will continue to cooperate with research and academia and continuously improve the data set according to the feedback.
