Celebrating 4th Anniversary of 'Death Stranding' on PC with In-Game Stats

TapTechNews July 14th news, to celebrate the 4th anniversary of 'Death Stranding' landing on the PC platform, Kojima Productions released some in-game statistical data today.

The total number of packages delivered is approximately 440 million, exceeding the total number of packages handled monthly in all of Japan (about 400 million)

The total weight of goods delivered is approximately 6.5 billion kilograms

The total moving distance is about 225 million kilometers (TapTechNews note: The distance from the Earth to the Sun is about 150 million kilometers)

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Also, players have built approximately 35 million buildings (10 times the total number of buildings in Tokyo), and these buildings have been used by players approximately 1.37 billion times.

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The total number of signboards set up in the game is approximately 4.1 million, and the total number of likes is approximately 17.3 billion times, which is equivalent to everyone in the world liking twice.

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'Death Stranding' game premiered on the Sony PS4 game console on November 8, 2019, and the PC version was launched on July 14, 2020, and later landed on PS5 and Apple iOS and macOS platforms.

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