Apple Updates Journal App in iOS18 at WWDC2024

TapTechNews June 11. At today's WWDC2024 Global Developers Conference, Apple updated the Journal application for the iOS18 system, bringing全新的洞察视图, advanced search and sort functions, and integrating the Health application, etc.

Apple Updates Journal App in iOS18 at WWDC2024_0

New Insights View

The iOS18 Journal application introduces a brand new Insights (insights) view that allows users to get a comprehensive overview of diaries and other activities.

TapTechNews learns from the report that this view will track consecutive writing records, display calendars of existing entries, and provide interesting statistics to encourage users to keep a diary more frequently.

Advanced Search and Sort Functions

The new version of the Journal application further enhances the search and sort functions, enabling users to easily find specific entries and organize their logs for easy access.

Expanded Uses

Users can choose to record notes as Mind Moments and directly record their mental states in the Journal application.

New Widgets

Apple has launched new widgets for the Journal application that can be used on the home screen and lock screen. Through these tools, users can quickly start new entries, check the current serialization, and receive writing prompts throughout the day.

Transcribing Audio

The Journal application can also automatically transcribe audio recordings, allowing users to record their thoughts and ideas verbally and convert spoken words into text entries.

Support for Exporting Journal Entries

Users can save entries offline or share them in printed form.

Apple WWDC24 Developer Conference Keynote Topic
