First All-Weather Laser Intelligent Weeding Robot Launched in China

TapTechNews June 11th news, according to the news of Huagong Technology, from June 5th to 7th, the Central Research Institute of Huagong Technology officially signed a contract with the National Key Laboratory of Robotics Technology and System of Harbin Institute of Technology (referred to as Harbin Institute of Technology Robotics Laboratory) and held an expert appointment ceremony, and the first all-weather laser intelligent weeding robot in China was launched.

It is introduced that the first all-weather intelligent laser weeding robot in China jointly developed by Harbin Institute of Technology Robotics Laboratory and Huagong Technology aimed at 'zero environmental pollution, zero land damage, and round-the-clock operation' for research and development. It achieved the first of its kind in this field in China and has currently conducted field tests in Aihui District, Heihe City, Heilongjiang.

 First All-Weather Laser Intelligent Weeding Robot Launched in China_0

It is introduced that laser weeding is a physical targeted weeding method by irradiating weeds with a laser to cause the internal cells of the weed leaves to dehydrate and rupture and die. The all-weather intelligent laser weeding robot integrates artificial intelligence technology of deep learning, AI intelligently identifies weeds, and at the same time specifically develops a multi-target point location and dynamic time-delay error compensation algorithm, which can not only identify weeds and locate the target meristem, but also 'does not damage crops, does not pollute the soil, and does not consume manpower'.

TapTechNews inquiry found that the Harbin Institute of Technology Robotics Laboratory focuses on basic and applied research on scientific issues and core key technologies such as innovative mechanism design, intelligent perception, autonomous control, interactive coexistence, and system integration in the field of robotics. It is one of the earliest units in China to carry out robot technology research and is also the only national key laboratory of robot technology in the country.

The Huagong Technology Industry Co., Ltd. is known as the 'first share of Chinese lasers'. It was established in 1999 and originated from Huazhong University of Science and Technology. In March 2021, the company completed the separation and reform of the school-enterprise, and the actual controller was changed from Huazhong University of Science and Technology to the Wuhan Municipal State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission.
