The State Council Issues Opinions on Promoting High-quality Service Consumption Development

TapTechNews August 3rd news, the State Council today issued the Opinions on Promoting High-quality Development of Service Consumption (hereinafter referred to as the Opinions). The Opinions put forward 20 key tasks in 6 aspects.

First, tap the potential of basic consumption such as catering accommodation, homemaking services, elderly care and child care. Second, stimulate the vitality of improved consumption such as cultural entertainment, tourism, sports, education and training, and residential services. Third, cultivate and strengthen new types of consumption such as digital, green, and healthy. Fourth, enhance the kinetic energy of service consumption, innovate service consumption scenarios, strengthen the cultivation of service consumption brands, relax the access to the service industry market, and continue to deepen the opening up in the fields of telecommunications and others. Fifth, optimize the service consumption environment, strengthen the supervision of service consumption, guide honest and compliant operations, and improve service consumption standards. Sixth, strengthen policy guarantees, strengthen fiscal, tax and financial support, consolidate the support of the talent team, and improve the level of statistical monitoring.

In the aspect of cultivating and strengthening new types of consumption, the State Council proposed to accelerate the digital empowerment of life services, build new consumption scenarios such as smart business districts, smart blocks, and smart stores, develop new models such as Internet + medical services and digital education, accelerate the layout of new business forms such as unmanned retail stores, self-service lockers, and cloud lockers, and support the development of esports, social e-commerce, and live e-commerce. Accelerate the construction and upgrading of information consumption experience centers and launch a number of new information consumption projects. Carry out the construction pilot of digital homes to better meet the intelligent service and online social service needs of residents' home products.

In the aspect of tourism consumption, the State Council mentioned promoting the integrated development of business, travel, culture, sports and health, enhancing the experience and interactivity of the projects, introducing various types of characteristic tourism products, encouraging the development of new business forms such as cruise yachts, RV camping, and low-altitude flights, and supporting the development of integrated business forms such as music + tourism, performance + tourism, and event + tourism.
