Xbox Exclusive Games to Land on PS5 in 2024

TapTechNews on May 19, a leaker named 'NateDrake' on the Resetera forum recently posted, claiming that he learned that a batch of Xbox exclusive games will initially land on the Sony PS5 platform as early as the Christmas period in 2024, but he clearly stated that 'Starfield' will not land on PS5 this year.

Xbox Exclusive Games to Land on PS5 in 2024_0

Referring to TapTechNews' previous report, Microsoft also plans to port works such as 'Halo' to the Sony PS5 platform. The internal code name for the relevant plan is 'Latitude'. Currently, Microsoft is planning to release more games on the Sony PS5 platform to boost sales, and the relevant plan is said to have no'red line'.

Xbox Exclusive Games to Land on PS5 in 2024_1

However, many media criticized Microsoft's related actions, believing that Microsoft's move will destroy users' confidence in purchasing Xbox game consoles, which is not good for the long-term development of the Xbox hardware business.

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