DiDi Promotes Liu Qing to Permanent Partner, No Longer Has President Position

TapTechNews May 19th news, the chairman and CEO of DiDi, Cheng Wei, and the president, Liu Qing, sent an internal letter to all employees, deciding to promote Liu Qing to the company's permanent partner, no longer serving as the company's director and president, and the company will no longer have a president position in the future.

The departments and responsibilities under Liu Qing's jurisdiction remain unchanged. She will continue to serve as the company's chief talent officer, promote organizational change, talent growth, and social responsibility work, and continue to report to the chairman and CEO, Cheng Wei.

TapTechNews attaches the full text of the employee letter as follows:

A letter from Cheng Wei (Will) and Liu Qing (Jean)

Dear Little Oranges:

Although we often participate in offline activities and meetings of various teams, it's been a while since we communicated with everyone in this way. Sorry about that. This time we have an idea that we've been thinking about for a long time and want to communicate with everyone here as the first time:

Jean: In a little more than a month, it will be ten years since I joined DiDi. There have been so many emotions and touches along the way, and I am full of expectations for the future and eager to take action. At the same time, I hope that I can focus more on the long-term construction of the company in the future. Therefore, I applied to the board of directors and Will, hoping that I would no longer serve as a director and president, but focus on the company's talent and organizational construction, functional construction, and social responsibility work. This is what I really want to do in my heart. Please rest assured that I will continue to fight side by side with everyone and welcome my next ten years in DiDi with the best state.

Will: Regarding the idea proposed by Jean, we talked for a long time. In the end, I respect and understand. After ten years of trials and hardships, as a co-founder of the company, Jean is my closest comrade-in-arms and partner, and will be in the future. So I decided to promote Jean to the company's permanent partner and continue to report to me to contribute to the long-term stability and continuous development of DiDi. Although Jean no longer serves as president, the departments and responsibilities under her jurisdiction remain unchanged. She will continue to serve as the chief talent officer, promote organizational change and talent growth, and work with me to promote the company's social responsibility work. In addition, the company will no longer have a president position in the future. The next ten years are full of opportunities and challenges, and Jean and I will continue to walk forward side by side with everyone as always.

DiDi is about to turn 12 soon. It has not been easy along the way. Thank every Little Orange for accompanying us. Although the road is long and blocked, the future is promising. I hope we don't forget the original intention of'making travel better' and be down-to-earth to serve every driver and user well.

Will & Jean

May 19th, 2024
