Huawei and Tencent's Potential Agreement on WeChat for HarmonyOS

TapTechNews June 19th news, according to Bloomberg, Huawei is about to reach an agreement with Tencent to allow the latter's super app WeChat to run on its HarmonyOS operating system without taking in-app revenue sharing.

 Huawei and Tencents Potential Agreement on WeChat for HarmonyOS_0

According to informed sources, after months of negotiations, the two sides are close to reaching an agreement. Huawei will agree not to charge any fees for in-app transactions in WeChat. The informed source also said that in return, Tencent will continuously maintain and update the WeChat application.

Bloomberg reported earlier this week that Huawei is considering taking a share of in-app purchases on its HarmonyOS platform and has discussed with game developers about a 20% sharing ratio.

Currently, users can download and use WeChat on Huawei mobile phones, but there is no formal agreement between the two companies requiring Tencent to regularly update the application. This agreement will not have a significant impact on mobile phone users.

According to informed sources, the negotiations are still ongoing, and there is still a possibility that the two sides may not reach an agreement.

According to informed sources, Huawei has also approached ByteDance's TikTok to try to discuss revenue sharing, but ByteDance has not shown interest in negotiating.

As of TapTechNews' press time, neither Huawei, Tencent, nor ByteDance has responded to this.
