The Release of Ancient Agriculture Text Vertical Domain Large Language Model 'Qimin' in China

TapTechNews September 20th news, based on the reports from Xinhua News Agency and, the Ancient Agriculture Text Vertical Domain Large Language Model Qimin jointly developed by the Key Laboratory of Agricultural Big Data of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Institute of Agricultural Information of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hubei Provincial Library, the Library of Huazhong Agricultural University, the School of Communication of Zhengzhou Normal University, and Gu Lian (Beijing) Digital Media Technology Co., Ltd. of Zhonghua Book Company was released in Beijing today.

TapTechNews learned from the report that China has a long history of agricultural civilization and farming and reading culture, giving birth to many agricultural experts and a large number of ancient agricultural books. Ancient agricultural books are an important carrier of the essence of traditional Chinese agriculture, and also an important part of our cultural heritage.

The Qimin ancient agriculture text large language model is trained based on a large number of ancient agricultural ancient texts in China, drawing wisdom from agricultural ancient books, deeply exploring ancient agricultural techniques, farming experience and social ecological knowledge, and supporting question and answer of agricultural knowledge, automatic text processing, semantic retrieval and other downstream applications.

This large model has strong natural language processing ability and can provide accurate answers to various agricultural issues such as ancient agricultural planting, livestock and poultry breeding, farmland water conservancy, and meteorological divination.

It is reported that the automatic text processing and semantic retrieval tools based on this large model can provide efficient analysis support for agricultural ancient book researchers to carry out studies on ancient society and agriculture.
