Xianyu App Launches Knife Function

TapTechNews on June 1st. The Xianyu App launched a knife function for goods today. Users can set related information in the product editing page. The official description stated that sellers can set the upper limit of the discounted amount of the knife in the product catalog, and buyers can randomly obtain the discounted amount through the knife game before placing an order. The relevant knife discount is valid for 24 hours and is claimed to be able to effectively prompt buyers to place orders as soon as possible.

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Through tests by TapTechNews, it was found that the relevant knife discount is at least $0.01 and does not exceed the price of the product itself. If users act as buyers, they can also get a platform coupon by knifing other sellers' goods during the activity.

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According to TapTechNews' previous report, Xianyu announced in March this year that its daily GMV (Gross Merchandise Volume) has exceeded $1 billion. In the past year, more than 100 million people have posted idle items on the platform, among which the post-95s users are the most active. The data shows that in the past year, the per capita income of post-95s users on Xianyu is $2700.
