Microsoft to Enhance Word Copilot with Personalization and Bing Integration in July

TapTechNews July 10th news, according to the latest roadmap directory released by Microsoft, Microsoft plans to enhance the Copilot function in the web version of Word document application in July and introduce a brand-new Personalization. Based on user interests, preferences and other information, it will provide users with a more personalized experience.

Microsoft to Enhance Word Copilot with Personalization and Bing Integration in July_0

This function is similar to the Soundlikeme function on Outlook. Personalization will imitate elements such as the user's tone and writing habits to write document content that is more in line with the user's style, and users can customize Copilot for further adjustment and optimization.

According to Microsoft's official description, this function is limited to users who purchase the Copilot Pro and Copilot for Microsoft 365 subscription plans.

Copilot Pro is more suitable for individual users, with a monthly fee of $20 (TapTechNews note: currently about 146 RMB), while Copilot for Microsoft 365 is mainly for enterprises and organizations.

Microsoft also announced the integration of Bing search for the Word application, so that users do not need to leave the application and jump to the browser or other pages to search and obtain relevant information.
