Microsoft Releases Windows 11 Update with New Generative AI Feature

Microsoft released Windows 11 Build 26236.5000 preview update for the Canary channel on June 13th. A brand-new Generative AI sub-page was introduced in the Privacy & Security category of the Settings application. (The feature might be new and unfamiliar to some U.S. users, but it's an important advancement in AI technology.)

Microsoft Releases Windows 11 Update with New Generative AI Feature_0

TapTechNews provided the details of the four settings options on this page as follows:

Generative AI access

After users configure to enable this option, any account on the local device can use the applications in the list that support Generative AI.

Let Apps use generative AI

This option allows users to choose which applications support Generative AI.

It is estimated by the media that after users select some applications to configure support for Generative AI, these applications will be listed below this option, and a toggle switch will be displayed on the right, and users can customize whether to enable Generative AI.

Recent activity

This option will list all the Generative AI requests made by the applications in the past 7 days. None of these three settings are permanent, and Microsoft may modify them or move them to other parts of the Settings application.

Privacy resources

Settings regarding user privacy, and so on.
