Apple's iOS 18 Introduces 'Chapter Snippet' Feature in Podcasts

TapTechNews June 27th news, user Wristnut reported that Apple's iOS 18 Podcasts application has introduced the chapter snippet feature, users can flexibly choose the content of the current podcast program according to their own preferences.

 Apples iOS 18 Introduces 'Chapter Snippet' Feature in Podcasts_0

TapTechNews note: The chapter snippet feature does not apply to all podcast shows, and currently many podcast shows are not marked. This feature depends on the creator manually adding chapters, and the creator must specify the chapters in the title of the MP4 file or use a third-party tool to modify the ID3 tag of the MP3 or AAC file.

After the creator adds the content chapters, iOS/iPadOS 18 users can swipe up the Now Playing screen, and macOS users can click the Chapters button in the upper right corner of the podcast application to view the chapter segments in the current program.

The creator can also provide illustrations for specific chapters, and these illustrations will be displayed on the Now Playing screen and lock screen on iOS and iPadOS, providing timely visual supplements for the podcast.
