SAIC Group Unveils New Generation Base Technology and Solid-State Battery Strategy

TapTechNews May 24th news, at the 'New Decade SAIC Group New Energy Technology Conference' held tonight, SAIC Group officially released a new generation of base technology for the 'new track', including a three-step strategy for solid-state batteries:

In the first stage, the product liquid content is 10%, that is, the Light-Year battery that has been currently applied to IM L6.

In the second stage, the product liquid content is 5%, and it is expected to start large-scale installation next year, including IM and other SAIC pure electric/hybrid models;

In the third stage, the product liquid content is reduced to 0, that is, all-solid-state batteries, and it is planned to be mass-produced in 2026.

According to the introduction, SAIC's all-solid-state battery is based on the polymer-inorganic composite electrolyte technical route. The first all-solid-state battery production line of SAIC-Qingtao has been approved, and it is planned to be completed by the end of 2025. The first-phase capacity planning is 0.5 GWh, and the energy density of the first-stage product can reach more than 400 Wh/kg, and the second stage will exceed 500 Wh/kg.

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SAIC announced that relying on the breakthroughs and applications of innovative technologies such as solid-state batteries, energy closed-loop, high-efficiency powertrain, intelligent chassis, full-stack software architecture, and new electronic architecture, SAIC's 'even major technical bases' have comprehensively leapfrogged and upgraded to the 2.0 era.
