Eclipse Vert.x 4.5.9 Released with Tracing Option Updates

Eclipse Vert.x is a microservices development framework, based on events and asynchronous, relying on the fully asynchronous Java server Netty, and has extended many other features, and is favored by developers for its lightweight, high performance, and support for multi-language development.

Eclipse Vert.x version 4.5.9 has now been released, and some of the updated contents are as follows:

Deprecated the tracing option constructor using the tracker instance


The tracing option constructor using the tracker instance has been deprecated and replaced with the new VertxBuilder, which is applicable to OpenTelemetry, OpenTracing and ZipKin implementations.

// BeforeVertx vertx = Vertx.vertx(new VertxOptions().setTracingOptions(new OpenTelemetryOptions(openTelemetry) )  );// After Vertx vertx = Vertx.builder().withTracer(new OpenTelemetryTracingFactory(openTelemetry)).build();

More details can be viewed in 4.5.9 Release Notes and Deprecated and Breaking Changes .
