#GPT 4#

More and More People Struggle to Distinguish GPT-4 from Humans in Turing Test

Research shows that 54% of participants mistook GPT-4 for a real person in the Turing test, highlighting the progress of AI and challenges for future human-computer interaction.

GPT-4 Robots Invade Test Websites Using Zero-Day Vulnerabilities

Researchers used self-coordinating GPT-4 robot groups to invade test websites with previously unknown zero-day vulnerabilities. HPTSA method showed high efficiency. Concerns about malicious use but ChatGPT says it can't.

iFlytek's XF Spark V4.0 in the Works, Expected Release in June 2024

iFlytek is developing XF Spark V4.0 to compete with GPT-4, with expected release in 2024 and its impact on smart education.

GPT-4 Outperforms Human Analysts in Predicting Company Profit Growth

Study shows GPT-4 can beat human analysts in profit growth prediction with only financial statements, using 'chain of thought' prompts.

OpenAI's Mysterious Announcement Sparks Speculations and Staff Changes

OpenAI's recent unexpected announcement and staff changes have stirred up speculations and curiosity in the tech community. Find out what's happening behind the scenes at OpenAI and the possible upgrades they are planning to showcase in the upcoming event.

Opinions Differ on the Short-Term Impact of AI on the Economy

Different opinions on the short-term impact of AI on the economy, as experts discuss the timeframe for widespread implementation of AI technology and potential long-term effects.