GAC Group Chairman's Outlook on Future Auto Market Structure

TapTechNews June 6th news, during the opening of the 2024 Chongqing Forum of Automobile in China today, Zeng Qinghong, the chairman of GAC Group, came on stage to speak. He believes that by 2030, the automobile market will form a "433" structure: 40% hybrid, 30% pure electric, and 30% fuel vehicles.

Zeng Qinghong said that the reason for this pattern is that considering that 69.9% of China's energy structure is thermal power generation and coal power, 13% is hydropower, 5% is nuclear power, 9.1% is wind power, and 3% is solar power. In the future, to achieve zero carbon emissions, new energy vehicles need to be developed.

Zeng Qinghong also talked about the current situation of the continuous "intense内卷" in the auto market: agreeing with what Chairman Hua Rong (TapTechNews note: Zhu Huarong, the chairman of Changan Automobile) said just now that "continuing to intense内卷 is not a way." "The purpose of the enterprise is to make profits, to contribute to the country and to society, to pay taxes and create employment. How many people have been laid off now, and let me tell you that GAC has also laid off a lot. If this goes on, what will happen to society and the country?"

Zeng Qinghong believes that the automotive industry should have an overall situation, a pattern, and a long-term strategy, rather than just "intense内卷" at present. "Finally, what do we suggest? When the pure electric share of new energy vehicles reaches 50%, it is recommended that the relevant government departments study equal rights for fuel and electric vehicles. How to achieve equal rights? Without making money and having no benefits, enterprises cannot survive. So we hope the government will study this issue. When it reaches 50%, investigate whether it is time for equal rights for fuel and electric vehicles?"

He said that it is recommended that the government departments study "equal rights for fuel and electric vehicles" - in terms of government procurement, car licenses, purchase restrictions, consumption subsidies, etc., and study to support the parallel development of multiple energy sources such as new energy vehicles and HEV energy-saving vehicles.
