Xiaomi Motors Addresses User Concerns and Upgrades Technology in Latest Announcement

Thank you to TapTechNews contributor lin n and green fat and red thin for the clues!

TapTechNews reported on May 13th that Xiaomi Motors officially released the Xiaomi SU7 Answers Reader Questions (Episode 40), addressing concerns from users about whether the Xiaomi car factory had shut down during the May 1st holiday and if ordering now would result in delivery next year.

TapTechNews attached the original text:

01. There were rumors that the Xiaomi car factory shut down during the May 1st holiday, is this true?

Indeed, this was done to increase this year's production capacity. Our engineers utilized the May 1st holiday to perform equipment maintenance and upgrades in preparation for further enhancing delivery capabilities. We will have some good news to share with everyone soon.

02. Some say that ordering now means delivery next year, is this true?

Due to the overwhelming popularity of the Xiaomi SU7, it has exceeded our previous expectations. On the other hand, our production capacity is continuously improving and progress is smooth.

As mentioned in the answer to the previous question, we performed a short holiday technical upgrade during the May 1st holiday to increase production capacity. At least we can guarantee that you can still place an order with peace of mind. The specific estimated delivery period is subject to the display on the Xiaomi car App. We are still working hard to increase production capacity and get your beloved car to you as soon as possible.

03. After OTA upgrade, how did the speed of valet parking increase?

After the vehicle system was upgraded to the latest version, the Xiaomi SU7 Pro and Max were upgraded to a more advanced end-to-end valet parking. The parking efficiency has greatly increased, with a maximum speed of 23 km/h, and it can simulate real user reversing and avoiding obstacles. When space is limited during driving, it can reverse and maneuver autonomously.

The end-to-end large model replaces the previous multiple modules used for perception, decision-making, and planning, allowing intelligent driving to input images directly from one end and output driving trajectories from the other end. The end-to-end large model is the most sophisticated intelligent driving algorithm in terms of human-like thinking to date. Because the intermediate module calculation and signal transmission time have been eliminated, the system response is faster. Also, because of end-to-end, unlike the traditional cascade solution that evaluates local performance, it is based on the final intelligent driving performance, making it the globally optimal technical solution in terms of both technology and experience, enabling more flexible decision-making and more human-like vehicle control.

In summary, end-to-end technology is a more advanced, safer, and more human-like intelligent driving solution, and its application in valet parking functions will significantly improve the experience. We remind everyone again that intelligent assisted driving functions cannot fully replace the driver's control of the vehicle. Drivers must remain focused throughout the driving process, always pay attention to the road conditions around the vehicle, and be prepared to take over the vehicle at any time.

04. What is the insurance premium level for the Xiaomi SU7?

The insurance premium for the Xiaomi SU7 is priced by the cooperative insurance company and is insured under the exclusive terms of new energy vehicle insurance, focusing on providing protection for the three-electric system, covering the entire range of scenarios for driving, parking, charging, and operation of new energy vehicles.

The price range for the Xiaomi SU7 is 215,900 to 299,900 RMB, and the premium pricing for the same model and insurance plan varies in different provinces and cities. Taking Beijing as an example, the insurance premium for the basic insurance plan for the Xiaomi SU7 is approximately 5,200 R MB, and for the Xiaomi SU7 Max it is around 6,600 RMB. This aligns with the overall price level of the market's popular new energy electric sedans in the 200,000 to 300,000 RMB price range.
