Baidu's RoboRun Orders Surpass 7 Million, Future Prospects and Developments

TapTechNews August 24th news, Baidu announced its Q2 financial report this Thursday, among which the orders of RoboRun in Q2 were about 899,000, an increase of 26% year-on-year. As of July 28, 2024, RoboRun has provided the public with more than 7 million self-driving travel services in total.

Regarding the operation situation of RoboRun in Wuhan, Baidu's Li Yanhong said that the RoboRun fleet in Wuhan has about 400 vehicles, and the current market share in the Wuhan taxi service market is still very small, about 1%. The expansion of the scale will definitely be a gradual process and is likely to take many years.

Baidus RoboRun Orders Surpass 7 Million, Future Prospects and Developments_0

In May this year, RoboRun released vehicles equipped with the sixth-generation self-driving solution, fully applying the self-driving big model + hardware product + safety architecture plan. Data shows that the actual accident rate of RoboRun is only one-fourteenth of that of ordinary drivers.

On June 19, RoboRun began to provide 100% fully driverless car-hailing service in almost the entire Wuhan (TapTechNews note: its largest operating city), marking an important milestone for this project. In addition, the sixth-generation self-driving car RT6 of RoboRun has begun large-scale fully unmanned road tests.

Baidu previously said that RoboRun ApolloRT6 is expected to put 1000 vehicles into operation in Wuhan in 2024, and the annual planned production capacity will gradually increase from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands according to the operation deployment rhythm, and it is expected to operate in 65 cities in 2025 and will cover 100 cities in 2030.

Li Yanhong said that Robotaxi has long been regarded as a very advanced field in the industry, so that no one can accurately predict how long it will take to truly realize it, but Baidu is about to achieve regional break-even.

We are constantly reducing costs through innovation. With the large-scale testing of the sixth-generation unmanned vehicle ApolloRT6 model, we expect that the formal operation of the RT6 model will bring continuous cost reduction.

Li Yanhong also mentioned that all the vehicles of RoboRun belong to Baidu's operation, and Baidu bears the hardware capital expenditure and depreciation cost, and is open to various business models and partnership relationships.

Related Reading:

Baidu RoboRun's self-driving orders exceed 7 million in total, and the sixth-generation vehicles begin large-scale testing
