
Meta's AI Generated Tag Controversy Photographers' Complaint

Meta's tagging of real photos as AI Generated sparks dissatisfaction among photographers, and the company is evaluating its practices.

The 50th Anniversary of the Mawangdui Han Tombs The Release and Controversy of Lady Xin Zhui's Digital Image

On the 50th anniversary of the Mawangdui Han Tombs excavation, the 3D digital image of Lady Xin Zhui was released, but it faced some controversy. Learn more about it.

Sony's Interview with Neil Druckmann Sparks Controversy

Sony's article about Neil Druckmann caused controversy, and later they apologized. Learn more.

Controversy Surrounding Huawei's Demonstration of Large-Scale Text and Image Generation at Event

An article discussing the controversy around Huawei's demonstration of large-scale text and image generation capabilities at an event, with differing opinions on the authenticity and technical aspects of the demonstration.