Roblox Starts Selling In-Game Ads, Expands to Multiple Platforms

TapTechNews May 25th news, 'Roblox' is a community game platform that is very popular among children and also a 'well-known metaverse game'.   Players can upload a series of scene scripts for this game (platform) by themselves, so that they can play a wide variety of game content with the same character in the game (platform).

According to Roblox's official press release, recently the official has officially opened the in-game advertising slots to all advertisers. The relevant advertising slots will play 2D video advertisements on various screens in the game. Roblox promises that the relevant advertisements will have tens of millions of exposures, and advertisers only need simple steps to upload their advertising content.

Roblox is not the first game to implant real-world advertisements, but perhaps one of the first batch of games with built-in dynamic real-time advertisements. TapTechNews found out through inquiries that Roblox will also cooperate with third-party advertising companies such as IntegralAdScience and Kantar to strengthen the 'onetization' ability.

In addition, Roblox has recently landed on the Sony PlayStation and MetaQuest platforms. So far, this game has covered the vast majority of game platforms (this game landed on the Xbox platform in 2016).

Related reading:

'Roblox' lands on the Sony PlayStation platform and supports Simplified Chinese.
