Shanghai Coffee Chains Undergo Privacy Training and Rectification

TapTechNews June 27 news, according to the Shanghai Cyberspace Administration news. Recently, the Shanghai Cyberspace Administration and the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau have carried out law popularization training and compliance guidance for 24 chain coffee enterprises such as Starbucks, Luckin Coffee, MannerCoffee, McCafé, Tims, Nowwa Coffee, Costa Coffee, MStand, SeesawCoffee, niiicecafé, Peet's Coffee, and Cotti Coffee.

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Based on the previous inspection situation, the Shanghai Cyberspace Administration sorted out six common illegal and non-compliant problems in this scenario and released the first issue of Case Analysis of Illegal and Non-compliant Collection and Use of Personal Information in Coffee Consumption Scenarios.

There are mainly three types of problems, which TapTechNews sorted out as follows:

The first type is forcing or defaulting consent to the privacy policy: For example, when a consumer uses a certain coffee ordering WeChat mini-program for the first time, the mini-program pops up to prompt the consumer to read the privacy policy, but does not provide a rejection option.

The second type is missing, false or incomplete privacy policy: For example, when a consumer uses a certain coffee ordering WeChat mini-program, although the mini-program pops up to prompt the consumer to read the privacy policy, this privacy policy is just a privacy policy template of a certain third party.

The third type is forcing or frequently inducing the collection of precise location information problem: For example, when a consumer uses a certain coffee ordering mini-program, the mini-program's ordering function pops up to apply for the precise location information permission. After the user clicks to refuse, it continues to pop up to apply for the precise location information permission.

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In response, the Shanghai Cyberspace Administration requires coffee enterprises to conduct self-inspection and rectification by inferring other cases from one instance based on the case analysis, strictly follow the principle of minimum necessary and informed consent in collecting consumers' personal information, and earnestly fulfill the obligation of personal information protection.
