Nezha Automobile's Legal Department Issues a Lawyer's Letter to Weibo User for Malicious Posts Against Female Employees

TapTechNews September 13th news, the legal department of Nezha Automobile released an announcement this evening, stating that the Weibo user Legendary Leek Half-Moon has posted and replied to multiple malicious blog posts targeting female employees of Nezha Automobile on the Weibo platform, and a lawyer's letter has been sent to him. TapTechNews attaches the original text as follows:

Recently, the Weibo user Legendary Leek Half-Moon has posted and replied to multiple malicious blog posts targeting female employees of Nezha Automobile on the Weibo platform, which has already涉嫌构成 infringement of the reputation rights of our company and our employees, with extremely bad influence, and also涉嫌 violating the provisions of multiple laws and regulations at the same time.

In order to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of female employees, clear the online public opinion environment, and crack down on illegal behaviors, our company has sent a lawyer's letter to the other party, requiring immediate deletion of the relevant insulting blog post content, cessation of infringement, elimination of influence, restoration of reputation, and an apology.

Our issuance of the lawyer's letter does not mean exemption, waiver, waiver or loss of any legal rights enjoyed in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China.

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