TikTok and ByteDance to Face Crucial Court Hearing Next Monday

TapTechNews September 13th news, tonight Beijing time, according to Reuters, TikTok and its parent company ByteDance will face a crucial court hearing next Monday. It is understood that this "legal battle" aims to prevent a law that may prohibit 170 million Americans from using this application on January 19 of next year.

The US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia will hold oral arguments on this legal challenge. Due to concerns among US legislators that China may obtain data of Americans through this application, the bill on "not selling then banning" for TikTok was overwhelmingly passed in the US Congress just a few weeks after it was proposed in April.

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ByteDance said that divestiture is "technically, commercially or legally impossible", and without a court ruling, the ban on January 19 of next year will be "unprecedented". Circuit Judges Sri Srinivasan, Neomi Rao and Douglas Ginsburg will consider the legal challenges raised by TikTok and users.

It is reported that TikTok and the Ministry of Justice require a ruling by December 6 so that the US Supreme Court can rule before the ban takes effect.

According to TapTechNews' previous report, on April 24, the US Senate passed a bill that may lead to the ban of TikTok in the US with an overwhelming majority of 79 votes in favor and 18 votes against. This bill requires ByteDance to sell TikTok or face a ban. According to the updated terms, TikTok has a maximum of 12 months to be divested from its parent company ByteDance, otherwise it will be banned from US app stores and web hosting services. TikTok claims that this bill is unconstitutional and says it will file a legal challenge against such laws.
