Xia Yiping's Views on Jia Yueting

TapTechNews June 27th news, Xia Yiping, the CEO of Jiyue Automobile, expressed his views on Jia Yueting and his "concepts" through a video yesterday. "Teacher" Jia Yueting has created many bizarre product terms, and there is nothing particularly big in innovation other than that."

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Xia Yiping said that Jia Yueting still defined a "not bad" product in the United States and in the previous era, but now he thinks the product definition has become very backward. (He) keeps creating terms, and besides creating many bizarre product terms, there is nothing particularly big in innovation.

Xia Yiping even直言 that within the next 3 to 5 years, without intelligentization and the core ability of intelligent driving, the product may be eliminated by the times in future competition. "To put it more harshly, it may be thrown into the garbage can."

TapTechNews attaches part of the background of the event:

Not long ago at the 2024 China Automobile Blue Book Forum, Jia Yueting once said that the Chinese automobile industry will achieve a major transformation from internal competition to international expansion in the next ten years - Chinese automobiles should change from "involution" to "outreach" to the global high-value market, expand outward, occupy the blue ocean, and create a win-win situation, so that the "fruits of involution" can release the greatest value of globalization. He also claimed that FF, as a US company founded by Chinese, is willing to "play a bridging role" in promoting the "outreach" strategy of the Chinese automobile industry to ensure that US users can also enjoy "the same" excellent value experience as Chinese users.
