China Launches Special Action to Rectify Falsehood and Vulgarity in Online Live Streaming

TapTechNews July 31st news, in order to urge online live streaming platforms to fulfill their main responsibilities, strengthen the management of online anchors' behaviors, and promote the healthy and orderly development of the online live streaming industry, the Cyberspace Administration of China specially issued a notice to deploy a one-month special action of Cleaning Up - Rectifying Falsehood and Vulgarity Disorders in the Field of Online Live Streaming across the country.

This special action focuses on falsehood and vulgarity disorders in the field of online live streaming, and mainly rectifies five prominent problems. TapTechNews attaches the original text as follows:

First, creating false scene personas and engaging in unrestrained live streaming marketing with goods. Creating false scenes such as poverty alleviation, assisting farmers, and being ill, and inducing netizens to buy low-quality and inferior goods through pretending to be poor and acting miserable. Utilizing the images of minors, disabled people, and lonely elderly people to attract fans and drain traffic. Stage-managing and creating false social hotspots, wasting public resources.

Second, pseudo-science popularization and pseudo-knowledge causing confusion. Pretending to be professionals in the fields of finance, education, medical and health care, judicial, etc., and carrying out improper marketing by providing so-called professional services to sell goods and courses. Distorting marriage concepts under the guise of emotional counseling and marriage strategist.

Third, spreading soft porn information. Exposing clothes during the live streaming process, deliberately showing actions with sexual implications or sexual teases, using flirtatious language, and releasing soft porn, borderline, and yellowish content, seriously damaging the live streaming ecosystem. Through showing QR codes during the live streaming and releasing contact information or website links in the comment area to drain traffic illegally and spread illegal and bad information.

Fourth, disturbing social order and infringing on the rights and interests of others. Using vulgar language in live streaming interactions, creating conflicts, provoking, attacking and abusing each other, deliberately creating an atmosphere of conflict and confrontation to stimulate rewards. Chasing, intercepting, and harassing others during live streaming to accost, disturbing public order. Using insulting, violent, vulgar and unrestrained punishment methods to attract attention and gain traffic, going against social ethics and public order, and inducing high rewards.

Fifth, deceiving consumers and selling counterfeit and shoddy goods. Cooking up false data such as the number of fans, views, likes, and transactions to create the illusion of a rush order and爆款. Over-exaggerating the efficacy of goods and exaggerating the functions of food and health care products to mislead and harm consumers. Selling counterfeit and imitation goods under the banner of specially supplied.

Reference materials:

The Cyberspace Administration of China Initiates the Cleaning Up - Rectifying Falsehood and Vulgarity Disorders in the Field of Online Live Streaming Special Action _ Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission Office
