115 Network Disk Malfunction Response and Updates

TapTechNews September 16th news, tonight, the official Weibo of 115 Network Disk released an announcement to respond to the malfunction.

Emergency statement: Today (Monday, September 16, 2024), the server of Guangdong 115 Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as 115 Technology or our company) was maliciously attacked by the network, resulting in login malfunctions in product services including 115 Life (formerly known as 115 Network Disk). Our company has noticed the relevant situation, and technicians have been in the process of emergency repair at the first time, and will promptly notify after the repair is completed. We deeply apologize for the inconvenience caused to everyone.

At the same time, we have also noticed that some people on the Internet have taken the opportunity to maliciously spread false information about the termination of service of 115 Network Disk and other contents. Please take the information released by our official channels as the standard, make rational judgments, and do not believe rumors or spread rumors. Our legal team has collected and retained relevant evidence. For those who spread false information, damage the brand reputation, and maliciously slander our company, we will seriously pursue their legal responsibilities.

As an earlier batch of cloud service brands launched in China, the 115 project was launched in 2009 and has been operating stably for more than 15 years so far. Thank you for your long-term trust and support. In the future, we will continue to remain true to our original intention, take making data more orderly and information more intelligent as our mission, and create a technology service brand that users rely on for life, and provide users with better and more stable services. 115 Life, accompanied for life.

Guangdong 115 Technology Co., Ltd.

Monday, September 16, 2024

115 Network Disk Malfunction Response and Updates_0

This afternoon, according to TapTechNews report, 115 Network Disk once had a service malfunction, including 502 errors displayed on both the App and the official website webpage.

115 Network Disk is a cloud storage product launched by Guangdong 115 Technology Co., Ltd. in 2009. On June 7, 2018, at the 2018 Yunqi Conference・Shanghai Summit, 115 Technology announced that it has migrated all the company's data to Aliyun, and the two sides have jointly completed this public cloud data migration with a total of more than 100 PB, and the whole process took 45 days.

Related Reading:

115 Network Disk Service Malfunction, Official Website 502 Error
