Baojun Yun Duo Updates with New OTA 3.0 Version and Advanced Features

TapTechNews July 9th news, Baojun Yun Duo fully pushed the latest OTA 3.0 version update this morning, including the Lingxi version and the non-Lingxi version, adding a city memory navigation function that does not rely on high-precision maps.

In addition, the new OTA 3.0 also updated 4 new functions such as intelligent driving assistance, intelligent parking assistance, highway navigation, and human-computer interaction, as well as 20 experience optimizations.

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The Baojun memory navigation function relies on the DJI Zhuoyu solution and can achieve true independence from high-precision maps. It can create a route with just one learning, and there is no need to wait for up to 10 memory routes in the most opened cities (TapTechNews note: the longest distance of a single route is up to 100 kilometers).

In addition, Baojun memory navigation also realizes mainstream functions such as intelligent turning at intersections, starting and stopping at traffic lights, and actively overtaking.

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Intelligent navigation (highway navigation)

Optimize the intelligent speed regulation function

Improve driving stability and deceleration comfort

Improve lane change comfort

Improve the passing ability of the off-ramp

Overtaking and lane changing is more anthropomorphic

Improve the overtaking and avoidance experience

Intelligent driving assistance

Improve the driving safety sense in large curvature curves

Improve the safety of response to cut-ins

Improve the comfort of following and starting and stopping

Intelligent parking assistance

Add the function of switching between front and rear parking

Improve the ability to get out of parking difficulties

Improve the safety of vertical parking spaces

Improve the safety of key出库

Improve the continuity of memory parking

Human-computer interaction

Improve the display effect of the transparent chassis in low-speed scenarios

Add two levels of脱手 detection options

Improve the application stability of the intelligent driving SR

All user car machine experience optimization and upgrade

Add the 360 panoramic image small and large window switching display function

Optimize the QQ music day and night mode switching status bar display

Optimize the display content of the Himalayan radio playlist

Improve the navigation map zoom use experience

Improve the personal center traffic recharge query experience

Improve the Kuwo music member login experience

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